Sunday, September 13, 2009

Casting News 3

Shari Rosenblatt joins the cast of "I Fucked Mariah" as one of 8 dancers.

I met Shari when she started attending the hip-hop class I teach Sunday's at Stepping Out Studios. She is a fantastic mover with great presence and energy. She currently works as a therapist in Chelsea where she has lived for over 20 years.

Only 4 more dancers to be announced...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Casting News 2

Gilleon Smith joins the cast of I Fucked Mariah as one of eight dancers.

This sassy Californian is a veteran of the stage both as a dancer and actress, and most recently as a producer for the Fringe Festival's hit show "Dolls" which was just extended for two weeks. Smith recently shot her first topless scene in a film that debuted at HBO's New York International Latin Film Festival. When she is not acting, Smith is working on her new business, Actor's Lifestyle.

Friday, September 11, 2009

20yo Anne Marsen to co-choreograph IFM

At the age of just 20, Anne Marsen has established herself as a unique talent. Her creative moves and stylized choreography will be showcased in I Fucked Mariah's many ensemble numbers. She will also appear onstage as one of the cast's eight dancers. Hip-Hop, Contemporary and African are just some of the influences that will be evident in the show's pieces.

Her nasty freestyle can be seen in Jacob Krupnick's "Moves" video installation:
check her out at 5:45 followed by some of my moves.


Sou Chanthirat to join the cast of "I Fucked Mariah" as one of eight dancers. More news about the North Carolinan beauty and the other seven dancers to come in the next weeks...

Friday, September 4, 2009


In the words of Michael Jackson, THIS IS IT!

We have a venue! And it's massive.
The Flamboyan Theatre (PS160) is a retired middle school that was converted into an art space with various venues, including three theaters. Flamboyan is the largest of the three, and will easily accommodate the 125 guests per show I had hoped for.

The dates will be confirmed next week, but it's looking like Dec. 10-13 (possibly Dec 3-6).

Decembers in New York tend to be chilly... but December 2009 just got HOT!
Look into flights to New York now!


This is Natasa Vojnovic:

For quite a few months now, Natasa has been my muse for the scriptwriting process, and my ideal casting select for Mariah.
She would bring the publicity, sexiness and intensity to the story that I desired.
When I met her, she was a model who was interested in theatre. We got along well, so I did not feel shy bout offering her a role in this tiny project.
As it turns out, she is seriously developing herself as an actress and involved in many, presumably larger, acting projects.
She is therefore not available for this one. She and her agent were 100% gracious about my proposal. Natasa said she thought the project was "very interesting," and she was incredibly honored.
I hope to have her at the show and convince her to work with me on my next project...